Exhibition at Slack Space 11-28 September 2013

TransformationsFollowing my residency at Slack Space Colchester I will be exhibiting the works I produced in the Slack Space gallery from 11-28 September 2013, Wednesdays to Saturdays from 11 – 6 pm. I am frequently there on Wednesday mornings 11.00 to 2.30 pm. The private view is held on Thursday 12 September from 7pm onwards.  Below are pictures of the paintings to be exhibited.

Oak King

Oak King

Birch Queen

Birch Queen





Residency @ Slack Space

My studio at Slack Space

My studio at Slack Space

I have recently completed a three month residency at Slack Space, Colchester. This wonderful organisation is making use of the old Cooperative building filling it with art and music. I will start another residency there in October and will be exhibiting alongside the other residents from the 11th – 28th September.

Here is picture of the wonderful studio I had complete with dome roof light. I have been working three huge paintings based on English trees.